Alley Stuff

109 Main Street none
CorbinKY 40701

Fax: none
Alley Stuff - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Retro Retro! Vintage! Furniture, Primitives, Hull, McCoy, Shabby Chic, Perfume Bottles, Collectibles, Old Post Cards, Toys, Crocks, Bottles, Dishes, Vintage Clothing, Lamps, Quilts, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Garden Decor, Vintage Jewelry, local art, handmade items
Retro! Vintage! Furniture, Primitives, Hull, McCoy, Shabby Chic, Perfume Bottles, Collectibles, Old Post Cards, Toys, Crocks, Bottles, Dishes, Vintage Clothing, Lamps, Quilts, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Garden Decor, Vintage Jewelry, we also carry local art and other handmade items

Business Description

Alley Stuff began in the back two rooms at it's present location with the only entrance being from the alley. The store became a hit and took over the entire 2,000 square foot building with an entrance on Main.

Customer Reviews (2 reviews)


on Yahoo Dec 04, 2008
From country to shabby chic, Alley Stuff has a great selection of inventory. Their prices are good and the store is decorated great. The gals working the store were very nice!!!! great store... (more)

treasure hunter

on Yahoo Dec 04, 2008
One of Corbin's hidden treasures! Six room of antiques and collectibles. Located just one mile from the famous Kentucky Fried Chicken. Open on some Fridays and all Saturdays. (more)

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