Advocates Believing in Living Empowered

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Business Information

Disability, Leadership, Mentorship, Community Advocacy, Self Advocacy, Self Determination, Youth Leadership, Referral Services, Disability Awareness, Disabilities, Non-Profit
ABLE provides trainings/presentations on self-advocacy, self determination, disability awareness, disability etiquette, leadership, peer mentoring, and provide technical assistance in advocacy issues to individuals with disabilities, their families, friends, organizations/schools, and other professionals. We offer many services to local and national communities/ organizations that are truly geared toward empowering self-advocates with disabilities and their families.

Business Description

Advocates Believing in Living Empowered also known as "ABLE" is an organization that is led and powered by the voces and talents of self-advocates with different dis(Abilities). Our organization gives individuals with disabilities and their families "how-to" tools that will support them as they voice their wants, desires, and needs concerning issues central to their lives. We help them understand the importance of self-advocacy in their everyday life.

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