Acupuncture-Integrative Body Therapy

57 Wampanoag Circle
North Kingstown, RI 02852

Fax: 401-295-5327
Acupuncture-Integrative Body Therapy - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Acupuncture, Healing, Color and Light Therapy, Crania-sacral therapy, Tomato-emotional Therapy. Acupressure. Tut-Na, Massage, Body Work, Chelation Therapy, Reiki, Reiki Master.
Herbal Remedies are recommended to restore the body to optimal health. They are safe and they have few, if any side effects. There are magnets worn to continue the effects of an acupuncture treatment until the next follow up treatment.
Acupuncture, Tui-Na, (Chinese Body Work), Crania-sacral and Somato-emotional therapy . Reiki and Holistic Counseling.
SOMA Massage School Yoga
American Acupuncture Council.
Graduated with Honors from Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Business Description

Acupuncture is the art of inserting disposable, sterile, stainless steel, thin needles into a number of meridian points that run through the body from head to toe. The points of insertion are selected by a licensed, acupuncturist to restore one's body to a state of balance, harmony, to relieve symptoms connected to the person's main complaint.

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