A1 Finishing Touch Carpentry

4917 W Lake Blvd
Homewood, CA 96141
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Business Information

Cabinet Makers, Remodeling & Repairing Bldg Contractors, Kitchen Cabinets & Equipment-household, Carpenters
Kitchen Cabinets

Customer Reviews (2 reviews)

Tahoe Mama

on Citysearch Jun 18, 2010
These guys came in like champs, I couldnt believe the amount of work they were able to produce per day. There was a most evident synergistic effect between Finishing Touch and the team they brought along. They came to... (more)


on Citysearch Oct 11, 2007
The owner had no problem taking my large deposit. He did't show up for almost a month and that did'nt happen until I threatened to contact the Contractors License Board. He never answered his phone until I blocked my... (more)

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